Thursday, October 15, 2009

good song and good it!


If i were to go
If i were to get close to you
What would you think?
I don’t have the courage.
If you were to go,
If you were to leave.
I don’t know how to send you away
It keeps hanging on my mind
I know i am a fool and can only watch you from afar
Your heart may look away from me…
And so we could even become strangers
Just like a fool i can’t even say that i love you because …
We’re afraid the wait that comes upon us
After we meet will be painful and sad.
If you were to come
To come near me.
What would i do ?
I really don’t know
Because im like a fool.
Even though i know looking is all i can do
Your heart may look away from me
And so we could even become strangers
Just like a fool i can’t even say that i love you because….
We’re afraid the wait that comes upon us
After we meet will be painful and sad
Because i’m like a fool
Even though i can’t say i love you
We’re afraid the wait that comes upon us
After we meet will be painful and sad.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

For my lecture Ms.Shazrina

Miss,i want to make the report about this assignment. The difficulties to make this assignment when we published our html.I confused about the free hosting in the internet and how to upload my html. After i tried several web hosting,finally i found web hosting without payment. hehe... Another problem,i dont know what i want to say in my blogspot,so i just wrote about my activity.
i hope you like it Miss. 

I think this assignment is interesting because its different from assignment in other course. Because this assignment,i know how to make the blogspot and develop it.Thanks to Ms.Shaz.. ^^

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

as we grow up

As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let us down, probably will. You'll have your heart broken and you'll break others' hearts. You'll fight with your best friend or maybe even fall in love with them, and you'll cry because time is flying by. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, forgive freely, and love like you've never been hurt. Life comes with no guarantees, no time outs, and no second chances. You just have to live life to the fullest, tell someone what they mean to you and tell someone off, speak out, dance in the pouring rain, hold someone's hand, comfort a friend, fall asleep watching the sun come up, stay up late, be a flirt, and smile until your face hurts. Don't be afraid to take chances or fall in love and most of all, live in the moment because every second you spend angry or upset is a second of happiness you can never get back.

roomate gw najong pisan

hari rabu ini,gw k kelas sperti biasa. nah sebelom gw tidur nih baru deh penyakit ny helyn n erna kumat.....yah lagi2 helyn n erna...ampe bosen gw ngeliat mreka mulu.... Gw ma Helyn lg enk2 ny nonton miss no good pk bhasa mandarin tanpa text....sok iyeh gt gw....pdhl ga ngerti jg ap maksudny tuh film....hehehe... tb2 helyn ditelepon ama AHMAD org Arab d kls economy....ciehhhhh.....suit2.... percakapan romantis pun berlangsung selama kurang lebi 1 jam....dengan senyum munafik helyn n ktawa ny yg malu2 tapi mau....ihiy....sooo tweet....trus gw jd nyamuk dehhh..... ok flashback sedikit critain awal kisah kasih helyn....huahuahua.... wktu ituh helyn n erna lg d midvalley (mall terdekat condo kita,sekaligus rumah kedua kita2 sering pisan ksono mpe bosen abis dahhh) c pelit erna n helyn lg mikir cara balik dr mv,klo pk taxi mahal tpi klo pke ktm desek2an kaya ikan sarden....yah pucuk dicinta ulam pun tiba....(ciehhhh gaya bner gw pke prumpamaan) tb2 helyn d sapa sama tuh cwo arab.. helyn bnerny dr dulu udh ngeceng2 ni cowo.... emg jodoh gakan kmana sih ye... ehh c cowo arab ini punya mobil n mu nganterin helyn pulang.... dr situ deh jd smsan n tlpan ampe subuh....yah gw sebagai roomate ny ikut kena imbas ny de...brisikkk bgt tlpan ampe malem....ampun de....mending de klo ahmad tu mirip raffi ahmad....lah yg ini...disamain ma jempol kaki ny jg jauh.....auhauhauhau....(maap lyn...itu mnurut gw ko...klo mnurut lu cakep bgt c ya itu urusan lu...heheheh...)untung dia punya roomate kaya gw yg murah hati,tulus,sering menolong tanpa pamrih,siswi teladan n rajin nabung....huahuhauahuhau....cb klo dia punya roomate bampol,di sate lah dia....jd gw doain aj de moga2 helyn bisa jadi ama ahmad,nikah,punya anak 11(biar jd grup bola d arab)....aminnnn.... yap balik lg k hari rabu ini...udh bres tlp2an,c helyn foto2 pk senyum munafik ny dia sperti biasa.....buat dikirim k ma erna yg ad d lokasi TKP udh bner2 speechless....................................(O EM GE)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

today activity

this day like my ordinary tuesday...i have class at 12 o'clock....the night before i already think that at 11 o'clock be4 class,i want cook for my dinner cos i work till night then i must eat dinner in my work place.... but... that is me laa... me and sleep like sushi (me is rice and sleep is topping) or like roti tisu and susu pekat.... cannot be u can guess right what happened to me this morning?? ya i cannot woke up like i have planned before..... i woke up 11.15... then ate in bald uncle (silver),although i just take a little bit chiken and vegetable, he still count my food 3,30....haiyoh..... so stingy laa the bald uncle.... i wish more stingy he is,his head will balder and balder....heheh...after class,i worked.... usually im happy work in tuesday cos no damn person in my work place...but today,he came....aaargh!! soo unlucky..... he always act like a boss....actually he is not a boss...not manager too....not our captain also....he just a full timer...  zzzz..... do u proud hah?? he is also thinking that he got many fans in my work place....hoeks....zzzz..... its ok if he is handsome like TVXQ or have throne like prince william...but he is only such a damn person....i really want to say please wake up boy and look in ur mirror....ok enough for insult....i really get erna's (my housemate) syndrome (insult people with sarcastic word).....heheh...that erna's always do in our house....oya almost im forgot! i want to nominate erna to be leader of indo club in ucsi....hahahah....please vote for erna!! the aconk's daughter.... ur vote is needed....heheh ^^ 

Monday, June 1, 2009


this is my first time creating blog for completing my assignment...hehehe. the assignment is creating a html and blogspot....maybe my post not interesting now,but next time may be more interesting than the post i've made right now cos now i dont have anything to say and now its 2 o'clock in the morning and i still stuck in this pity i am....Then my roomate,Helyn and my housemate,Erna still talking gossip about erna's boyfriend (the bampol one)....hahahahah.... they persuade me to stop doing this assignment,so bad they are....and this make me thinking why i still want to be their friends??ahahahah.... maybe im such a good and kind friend actually...they are very lucky have friend like do u want to know another story in my life?? dont forget to open my blogspot recently and be my followers....


hi all....welcome to my blog.... hehehehhe....